I think it's a step.
If you take a look at how we approached this pre-2009, that stuff was clearly not covered by the review requirements. We have added a test that is designed to allow more flexibility in the type of investments that the government is allowed to scrutinize.
At the moment, I think it is still the case, as I read the bill, that it requires certain threshold structures to be in existence before the review requirement can kick in. It may be the case that certain types of intangibles are not caught by the bill, but I don't know. I haven't thought about that carefully. However, I would also urge the committee, again, not to think that the Investment Canada Act is the only way we can look at or address those concerns. We have other federal mechanisms in various areas that allow for some degree of scrutiny.
I don't think we have to pack it all into the Investment Canada Act. Even if it isn't there, we may have other ways to deploy this to protect those interests.