It's important to talk about catching up. When I was young, in the 1970s, many Americans made fun of Japanese cars. In the 1980s, people made fun of Korean cars. Today, no one makes fun of Japanese or Korean cars, because they are good vehicles. We can play catch-up in Canada in terms of electric vehicles, whether they are light, medium or heavy vehicles.
We say that we want to make a rapid shift towards the electrification of transportation in order to create jobs, but we also say that we want to make a rapid shift in the fight against climate change. We have set ourselves an objective for 2030, which is to significantly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. These two intentions must come together.
For our part, we launched the EV 2030 Action Plan precisely to ensure that jobs are created while we fight climate change. We can't do one without doing the other. Otherwise, we will be at a crossroads, which will not be good for the climate or for jobs.