Thank you for the question.
In terms of FINTRAC's role, we're both a regulator of the private sector for literally hundreds of obligations that they have to comply with in the relevant anti-money laundering statute in carrying out their obligations. As part of those requirements, we work with businesses so that they scope beneficial ownership requirements into how they assess clients that they're going to do business with. There's an element of risk assessment in terms of the private sector accepting a given business entity or so on as a client.
There are further risk assessments that go on in terms of how they monitor those transactions and decide what's a problematic set of interactions that they, in turn, report to us in FINTRAC. We layer on other risk assessments in terms of our compliance functions. As we look back in terms of the reporting entities that we oversee, which ones present profiles that are problematic so that they would be higher on our list of compliance examinations?
It does happen at different stages in how we do our work. Depending on your question, I could speak more fully on that.