Thank you.
Where I would challenge that is—and we've talked about this a lot—that we're not going to put lists, critical lists, into the act because it would be hard to undo them. From what I've understood, everything will be done through regulation, and there's a lot of different testimony we have on that. I think that unless we have another act that spells this out, this would, at least in the interim, point to intellectual property, and we had multitudes of witnesses testifying how important it is that we look at that.
The only risk I see is that if we don't reopen this ICA again for 22 years, we might have to remove it, but I don't see a risk at this point, because there's no other act that points to that, meaning that besides leaving out the list—because that will be done in regulation, which speaks more to the industries we'll be looking at—this does talk about intangible assets: “intellectual property” and “protection of personal information” of Canadians, which has two parts. I think we had one witness, Mr. Balsillie, who made specific mention of both IP and data, and we had a lot of witnesses who backed that up.
It seems to me—and it comes directly from personal testimony—that the risk of having this baked into legislation is that it may affect the future, as opposed to the list that will be in regulation. I don't see that in there. Is that something you agree with or disagree with?