I didn't give them this one. I'm sorry. It's 12525376 to clause 16, that Bill C-34 in clause 16 be amended by adding after line 28 on page 10 the following:
(2) section 25.4 of the act be amended by adding the following after subsection (1):
(1.1) If the investment would give the non-Canadian the right to use intellectual property whose development has been funded, in whole or in part, by the Government of Canada, an order made under subsection (1) may require any person or entity from whom or which the Canadian business or the entity referred to in paragraph 25.1(c) is being or has been acquired to repay all or part of any such funding
Again, it comes from the same report from the industry committee from the last Parliament. It called on the government to look at any IP related to an acquisition that is being sold to say that, if that's been done and it's going to a foreign entity, the taxpayer money that may have gone into that through a grant in council or any of the other various mechanisms.... If that IP is leaving the country, then that IP should be repaid.
I know the officials have just gotten it. They can take a look. I don't know if they—