Just in terms of time, we're not looking for hearings or anything, obviously. We're just talking about the release of the document that we've already seen and that it be made.... I don't think it should cause any angst, since it's the signed contract and we're not holding hearings on it. Volkswagen was asked before we saw it what they didn't want to show us for commercially sensitive reasons, and they exempted three elements of the contract. By inference that means everything else they were comfortable with from a commercial perspective or a commercially sensitive perspective.
I don't see any reason for there not to be transparency to support the government's position on these record-setting production contracts of $30 billion, where it's been all focused in one province. There haven't been any similar types of production subsidies. By the way, production subsidies are not something we normally do in any other province. Also, so that we actually see what it is that's claimed.... Because the minister has made claims that the PBO disputes already in terms of the payback time, the contract could help provide some certainty for the public out there that there aren't other things in the contract that are inconsistent—or consistent—with what the minister said publicly about them.