Yes, we're working very closely with Europe, with the G7 and the community worldwide.
I was at a meeting of the Global Privacy Assembly just last week, talking about ethical uses of AI and highlighting the fact that we need proactive, strong privacy protections.
Going back to the collaboration with the G7 again, working very closely together, we issued a statement on AI. I was pleased to see the statement cited in the voluntary code issued by the Department of Industry to deal with AI, reminding organizations that we currently have laws that apply and that have to be respected.
However, in this new bill, that's why I am highlighting that we absolutely need to make sure that protective, proactive privacy assessments are there, and that they are a legal obligation. Right now, in the public sector, there's no obligation for privacy impact assessments. It's in a policy of Treasury Board. Often we'll see that if those impact assessments are done, they'll be done later. Therefore, it's important to have that legal obligation.
I can tell you that the international community is very much focused on AI, as are the G7 ministers. As you said, the debates are going on in the U.S., but certainly what is being highlighted and noted is that you cannot separate privacy from AI. To protect AI, to deal with AI, to have guardrails, you need strong privacy protections.