There are obligations for organizations to proactively prepare privacy management programs and to share some information about them. If it's information online, the idea is that you would see it online, but there are obligations for organizations to make it as useful.... Obviously, if organizations see information about themselves and they have challenges finding where it is, they can reach out to my office and we can assist in seeing what's going on there.
That touches upon a point of transparency and making sure Canadians can understand what's going on, because not everyone is an expert in technology, yet we are living lives that are very much digital. Understanding what's going on, certainly with respect to AI, the notion of algorithmic decision-makers and....
We hear a lot of comments about that. We have our surveys of Canadians, and we see that Canadians are concerned about the protection of their privacy. I think part of the solution to that is communication, making sure that Canadians can understand what's going on, what the institutions are that protect them, what their rights are and what is being done with their information. Sometimes, we can have an impression that's worse than reality.
That's why I'm recommending that there be strong transparency. In the bill right now, organizations that make AI decisions about Canadians—if they have a significant impact—have to proactively explain the general processes of those decisions. They also have to answer questions if there's a request, but that's only if that decision has a significant impact on Canadians.
My recommendation is that if a Canadian asks for an explanation, they should receive the explanation, even if it doesn't have a significant impact on them. It still has an impact on them. They want to know what's going on. I think it's beneficial for Canadians to understand what's being done with their data.