That raises the whole issue of consenting to being tracked, and privacy by default. What are organizations doing, and what are they telling you those default provisions are? In my view, the default provisions should be privacy protective, certainly if you're dealing with minors. It's about making sure you have these protections in place, that you understand what they are, and that you can ask.... Again, it's that transparency. You gave a perfect example. You see this, and you want to know why you are receiving this. It's being able to get that explanation and to understand whether you have consented to this and how your consent is interpreted.
This is what we've seen in some of the investigations that my office has done, whether it's Tim Hortons, Home Depot or, more recently, Canada Post. It is the sense that Canadians don't know what's being done with their information, and sometimes there is a disconnect between what organizations believe Canadians agree to and understand, and what actually is going on.
That transparency that the explanation.... Again, it's the privacy impact assessments and consulting my office to make sure you develop these reflexes. Privacy is a priority. It's not something you do after the fact. You're designing and thinking. You need to think about innovation, absolutely, but they're not mutually exclusive.
When I was appointed, I said that privacy is a fundamental right, but it's also not an obstacle to innovation. It's not an obstacle to the public interest. We can have both. Canadians deserve to have both, and tools like this will help organizations get it right. My office will be there to help organizations get it right, particularly small and medium enterprises.