It's crucial to ensure that the regime can be met by small and medium enterprises, absolutely. The bill provides for a role for my office in terms of guidance. It provides the ability to join in certification programs and codes of practice. It's something that has to be taken into consideration. It's certainly something that I'm very mindful of.
To the point on competition and privacy, this is an example in which you can have overlap between competition and privacy. We need to make sure that protecting privacy doesn't harm competition and vice versa. We've made recommendations to Parliament and to the department on competition law review, to make sure you are dealing with what we call “dark patterns”, which are manipulative uses of language and psychological tools to incite individuals to make wrong choices, either from a privacy or competition standpoint.
This is why, in the last few months, my colleagues, the competition commissioner and the CRTC chair, and I created a digital regulators forum. We are working together to identify these areas of connection and interoperability. There are similar groups internationally. Our first focus right now, in our first year, is AI and making sure we are on top of those new developments.
This is why my 15th recommendation is to expand the scope of my office's ability to collaborate with regulators like these, in particular in the context of complaints. Right now I can't do that with my Canadian colleagues, but I can do it with my international colleagues.