I'll give you a brief answer, but Professor Krishnamurthy, who is one of the witnesses, has done studies and reports on this, so he's probably best suited to answer some of those particular questions. However, I will say two things in response to your opening comments.
First, to reiterate, I think there's general disappointment for many in the lack of prioritization of privacy over the last number of years. Bills, as you mentioned, get introduced and then seem to languish.
I'm glad that we're here now, but I'm inclined to agree with you that the best way to ensure that you get the best time out of witnesses and the best kind of study is to reflect on legislation as it's intended by the government. If we're left with this amalgam of a bill plus comments about where things are headed, that doesn't provide the best sort of study.
In terms of minors, specifically, I'll note that one of the real concerns arises in differing definitions of minors from province to province and the like. Therefore, one thing I think we need to include within the legislation—I know other witnesses have highlighted it—is the need for some sort of consistent definition here so that we know there is that consistency of protection.