Thank you to all the witnesses for coming here.
Mr. Balsillie, I'd like to start with you.
In your comments and responses to questions, you talked a lot about personal privacy, surveillance and protecting prosperity. When you were the co-CEO of BlackBerry, you demonstrated that. I don't think there's anybody in this room who has been the custodian of more personal private data than you have been, so you're speaking from a position of authority, experience and knowledge. You prioritized individual security and privacy for people. Ten years ago, when I became an MP, BlackBerry was the only option we had for telephones because of the security aspect of it.
During COVID, this government, together with their NDP coalition partners and through the Public Health Agency of Canada, colluded with Telus to trample on Canadians' individual privacy by tracking them. Is that the kind of thing you're concerned about with this legislation, that it doesn't protect Canadians from that kind of behaviour? They did it without a judicial authorization.