Consent fatigue I don't think is a problem. As you say, people don't read these things, first of all, because the last time I counted.... I do read them sometimes—or often. The last time I counted, for Google and its primary websites, the combined length of the privacy policies was 38 pages. It's a small book. It's bigger than a bedtime book, and it puts you to sleep faster. They're meaningless.
I challenged the Apple privacy policy to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. He took it up, which was great. They changed some language, and that was wonderful. However, I'm under no illusions. When they change something here, they change something else there. The problem is that the law allows vague language such as “We will collect your personal information from you and about you for reasonable purposes. We are a for-profit business. Anything that improves our bottom line we think is a reasonable purpose.” It needs to be tightened up.