No, not really.
I'd just like to make one sort of general comment. My expertise hasn't focused on AIDA. I've read it. I'm familiar with the European legislation. People have mentioned that it has holes and that it's like part of the EU legislation—part of it. It has the framework, but what it doesn't have.... I apologize; I'm not up to date on the minister's letter on this. What the European legislation does is define levels of risk, right down to no risk, right? They have something like four levels. Why don't we have that? It makes sense.
It's like we're operating with one hand behind our back to build this. If I were going to say...and I'm not coming with any opinions on what to do. I think it's a huge quandary for this committee and Parliament as to what to do with AIDA. There's no question about that. It just strikes me: Why aren't we there? I mean, if you read the EU act, which isn't in force.... It's still in the process. There's quite a bit of process to get it into law, but it's there. It's the act. You read it and you see these levels, and they have responses and levels of oversight and care. We should be doing that.