Innovation, as you saw from my remarks, and research and development are fundamental. We have to be very careful as we move forward with this legislation.
My remarks were to carefully distinguish between research and development and artificial intelligence that's rolled out in a public domain or for consumer purposes. While I agree with my colleague that the benefits are enormous for the public, we also have to be very careful that, in restricting, managing and regulating how that is rolled out to the public, we do not foreclose leading-edge research into artificial intelligence.
Again, I would emphasize that this is not a pleasant world we live in at times. The stakes for who has the commanding heights of artificial intelligence are extraordinarily high. We should do nothing to restrict that, and we should make sure that our country and our allies are at the front end of that research and development.
We want to protect our public from the pernicious effects of artificial intelligence.
You raised some issues of language rights and bias. That's a very important discussion to make sure that we protect our public, maintain our democratic values and ensure that the fundamental issue of privacy is preserved in our country.