Yes. I would like to take a look at what is being done in Europe at the moment. Of course, the GDPR has been a change for them, and privacy, children's privacy, was a key consideration.
Because it's extremely difficult to provide prescriptive requirements, they instead relied heavily on the notion of “best interest of the child”, and this is working. The reason is that it's not a free pass saying, “You know what? We talk about children but there's nothing to be done.” Organizations need to have documentation regarding what they are doing.
There's a second aspect I would like to highlight. Of course, being a lawyer, I like clear definitions, but the notion of evolving concepts such as “best interest of the child” is important as well in laws, as opposed to very clear-cut concepts such as express consent, where essentially we would need to have express consent every time, regardless of whether the person is a teenager or under 13 years old.
I think this is what we are seeing across the world, because many Parliaments understand that we are living in a world that is constantly evolving and that we need future-proof concepts, and the “best interest of the child” is not moot. It's a good concept. At least that's my personal opinion.