Thank you, Chair.
Ms. Gordon, thank you so much for your comments. Thank you, all. All of the testimony today was amazing.
Ms. Gordon, you mentioned your three kids, and that's sort of what's driving me, with my three children as well, in the work we're doing to make sure this bill is done right and children's privacy is protected.
I've asked other witnesses questions on proposed section 9 of the bill, on privacy management programs. In some cases, what I'm hearing from your testimony is that in addition to having management programs, especially in relation to children, we need to be prescriptive in some aspects of the bill.
Would you support amendments to proposed section 9 or other additions to the legislation that are prescriptive, specifically in the case of children? Maybe proposed section 9 in its current form could apply broadly to privacy concerns, providing protections and making sure that businesses are providing those protections in the products they're producing, but what do we need to do specifically with respect to privacy management programs as they relate to children?