If you don't have comments on this, that's okay. The reason I outlined the procedure is that it's going to come right from the president now, and it actually bypasses, to some degree, the oversight of Congress and the Senate.
That was the way they approached it. They almost handed over the elements to the president, whereas we're still in a committee here. We still have to go through a legislative process, and then we have to send this bill to the Senate, and then we have to get it done. At the same time, we don't know exactly if it's going to be somewhat consistent with the United States. We have to somehow figure that out. It's almost like, if we want to have something similar or comparable, we need a treaty in some respects for this.
Of course, we want our sovereignty, but I guess what I'm worried about is that.... If we are significantly different from the United States, does that affect our capabilities to retain investment and AI here, or does it put us in a better position, potentially? I'm wondering what your thoughts are, because we could have two different models in North America on how to deal with AI. Do you have any thoughts on that?