I have one quick question, following up on what you said.
You just mentioned that Canada has had good relationships, that we have been active in trade, that we have developed some markets there or are involved in trade, and you want to continue what we've done. But Madam Warren said that what we have to pull out is the golden carrot with Cuba; we have to have this golden carrot. If we're already doing well, how much gold and how much carrot? How much more would we have to do?
I'm not a big believer that just throwing money at the problem is ever going to solve it. In countries like that, where governments have, it would seem, very little appreciation for the civil society there, I'm not certain that Canada really gets bang for the buck, do we?
It's easy to come here and say “Bring out the golden carrot”, but what are you talking about? Are you talking about doubling what we've done?