Indeed. The raising of the case of Mr. Celil makes total sense to us, and it should be done forcefully. There's certainly no argument there.
Our concern has been more on a policy being made--how shall I say--on the fly with regard to human rights. But you raise a very interesting point with regard to China and what it is doing in other parts of the world. After stadiums have been built in umpteen African countries, there is the beginning of a backlash. Recently in Zambia, the interference, or certainly the perceived interference, by the Chinese authorities in the Zambian elections created a huge backlash. So there is a very fundamental issue, and there is a beginning also of a reaction. At the International Labour Organization, this reaction translated itself last year in the All-China Federation of Trade Unions not being elected to the governing body of the ILO, which was certainly perceived as a major setback.