Mr. Chairman, I can understand the committee's desire to perhaps put this off. There is a certain urgency to it, apart from its inherent significance, because as we speak a Holocaust denial conference has begun in Tehran in Iran, and President Ahmadinejad has once again repeated his intent for Israel to disappear. We've been witnessing this state-sanctioned incitement to genocide for some time, but it has taken on a particular urgency now, and there are going to be meetings in France and elsewhere this week about this matter.
This is a motion by way of recommendation that goes to the foreign affairs committee. It would be considered there and moved in that parliamentary direction, but it appears to me to be of such urgency that we should at least go on the record today, if we can, by way of recommendation--and it will only go to the foreign affairs committee--with regard to the urgency of state-sanctioned incitement to genocide in violation of the convention on the prevention of genocide, and parties like Canada have an obligation to enforce that convention. I don't know of any parallel or precedent since the Second World War, and even including the Second World War, in which there's been such a sustained and state-orchestrated incitement to genocide.
One example of many that I can give is the parading in Tehran of a Shahab-3 missile draped in an emblem that says “Wipe Israel off the Map”, as the imam screams to hundred of thousands, “Death to Israel” and the like. I think we need to send a message that this kind of state-sanctioned incitement to genocide is simply unacceptable in our age.