On Mario's point, it seems to me that maybe there is a parliamentary trick we could use to legitimize its release. For instance, when we propose motions, those motions are not considered in camera, but they are technically in the form of a report to the main committee. For instance, our motion on Saeed Mortazavi and our motion on incitement to genocide—indeed, several of us have had motions—all of those were considered in ex camera sessions and were public. I stand to be corrected, but they were in the parliamentary form of a report to the standing committee.
Why could we not therefore take the 60 pages, or whatever they are, of the China report and word this as a simple motion and consider it ex camera and adopt a motion saying, the committee hereby adopts the following motion, colon—and then next 60 pages would run? It seems to me that if the committee is not acting in good faith, we're not bound to wait for over a year for our work to be public.