Mr. Raghubeer, we've had a lot of legal testimony. Of course, you indicated you're not a lawyer. I gather you represent an organization whose preoccupations and principal concerns are terrorism and national security. Obviously those are issues very much at the heart of the Khadr matter.
We have sought to call to this subcommittee as witnesses members of the Khadr family, so that we could better understand the context and motivation surrounding his recruitment and service apparently in the al-Qaeda network. But we have been unsuccessful. They have refused to cooperate with this subcommittee.
Given that you commented on the Khadr family and the environment in which he was raised, recruited, and put to the service of al-Qaeda, could you elaborate a little more? I actually have never seen the interviews. Mr. Marston keeps talking about his passionate disagreement with the opinions of the Khadr family. I don't know what they are, but I could guess. Could you summarize as best as possible? Perhaps you've studied the al-Qaeda movement, the Khadr family's sentiments. Can you explain what you think motivated Mr. Khadr to do what he did?