Welcome to the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Today's meeting is our 16th.
We have two witnesses today. Howard Anglin is going to be here for our first hour, and Naresh Raghubeer, representing the Canadian Coalition for Democracies, is in our second hour.
However, Mr. Kenney's intervention raises a point, which is that we ought to be precise in our timing and try to wrap up each of these segments as quickly as we can. In part, that is because we have other matters that have to be dealt with. We have a scheduling issue that must be dealt with. As well, I believe I'm correct, Mr. Kenney had proposed a motion yesterday. Those two items go together. They have to be done in camera, so we're going to have to get the media and other people out of the room and then have that discussion. We only have until 2 p.m. scheduled. So I'm going to suggest that we try to deal with both witnesses as promptly as possible. Perhaps each of the two segments can finish a little ahead of the planned time to give ourselves time at the end. I'll assume that this is acceptable to folks.