I'll try to pace it and see how fast I can go.
Just to answer this particular point about kidnapping young girls, this is now a trend in Egypt, because young Christian girls in Egypt are the most vulnerable and the easiest target for the Islamic groups and the Islamic fundamentalists. Why? Number one, they are visible because they are the only unveiled women, if you will, in Egypt. Literally, all the other females in Egypt are now veiled, so they stand out.
Now, there are organized groups like organized crime. In Egypt there are organized Islamic groups targeting nothing but young Christian girls. They go out there and do two things. They either lure them, because now it is a time of economic pressures, or they force them. Either way, they take them, they force them, they convert them, they impregnate them—they become pregnant—and they take evidence against them to implicate them so they can never come back. They have shamed their families, and that is a big thing in Egypt.
When they come back at some point or another and their families finally find out where they were kidnapped to—which is torture by itself because there is no help from the security forces in Egypt. On the contrary, they condone that, and they cover it. Finally, when the families find out and try to do something, there is no help from the authorities. They resort to the papal office. They resort to the international media to just try to do something. In the end, if they are lucky, the small minority of this group—if they are lucky they are not allowed—they are accused of converting these girls from Islam. They consider them Muslims, and now they try to bring them back to their own families, to their own Christianity, and they blame the families and they torture them. They arrest them and put them through a lot, accusing them that they are now converting Muslim females to become Christian, ignoring the fact that they were Christian in the first place.
The authorities are condoning this. Some of these authorities are helping that. This used to happen in upper Egypt and away in the south. Now it's everywhere. Now it is in Alexandria. Now it is in Ismailia, in Port Said, and in Cairo. This is becoming a trend, and we have reported that over and over and over to the authorities, but there is no help.
Thank you.