I think it is important for the committee to recognize that in Kenya you have two major parties, PNU and ODM. PNU is the party of Mwai Kibaki, who is a Kikuyu. Some 23% of Kenya's population are Kikuyu. The ODM is led by Raila Odinga, who is from the Luo tribe. Only 13% of Kenya's population is Luo; however, the election results, both parliamentary and presidential, indicated that approximately 50% of Kenya's electorate voted for the PNU—for the Kikuyu party, so-called—and 50% voted for the Luo party, so-called.
No amount of mathematical gymnastics can show that this is an indication that Kenya's electorate voted tribally. Far from it; for the first time in its history, the election demonstrated that it actually voted on issues, not on a tribal basis.
What has happened since is a major outbreak of violence. That violence has had three causes. One is the spontaneous initial violence against the announcement that Kibaki had seized power, but the two other main sources of violence need to be understood.
First of all, they are carried out by armed, politically motivated militia that are funded by people on both sides. No side there is clean in relation to this. The militia operate there in order to attack people of a particular tribe, so as to make this appear to be a tribal warfare.
In practice, this is not what the elections have been about. They have been trying to instill and instigate a tribal war.
These people are not being disarmed. This morning we had news that six people were burned to death in Kibera. Several people have already been killed just today, and this was after the announcement of this new coalition government. People are out there to try to create a tribal conflict. The real danger is that if they play with fire long enough, we will descend into a civil war along tribal lines. I think that is still in the cards.
My main point to you, honourable members, is that the present permanent solution of this coalition government is not a solution for avoiding or preventing the descent into civil war that Kenya has been sitting on the brink of.