Just to make it clear, I don't want to be interpreted as saying that Ahmadinejad is representing the Persian minority or the Persian people. I think Ahmadinejad is really not representing anybody. He may be backed by five or ten percent of the population, in terms of hard-core supporters. Persians as well as everybody else are oppressed, but the oppression within the minorities is double, sometimes triple.
With regard to these two instances, Iran in the early revolution was able to not only export the revolution but also hunt down people who actually had gone abroad. Inside Iran there have been chain killings of opposition groups, and we've seen this. Probably you have heard about that. There are also chain killings outside Iran. Unfortunately, the leadership of two of our high-level delegations were victims of this chain killing while they were attending international conferences of the Socialist International, one in Vienna in 1989 and one in Berlin in 1992. They were both assassinated by Iranian agents. One was killed at the negotiation table. They were sitting in front of the Iranian negotiators, and the negotiators actually acted as terrorists. They were carrying guns, so they killed them at the negotiation tables. There is evidence, and unfortunately the Austrian government has not really put forward a case because of the international and the commercial interests of the Austrian government. So the Austrian government, despite finding out that they were the actual killers, let them go and sent them back to Iran.
That case has still not been opened and still not really been put forward and carried forward because of the commercial interests between Iran and Austria. That fact is quite sad, despite a lot of efforts put into place to really uncover this. The good thing about the 1992 assassination is that the German authorities allowed the German courts to detain people who actually did the killing in Berlin in 1992. There were four people who were actually killed at a table just like this. There were people talking together, and then they just swarmed the meeting room and killed the Kurdish leaders, in 1992.
The German authorities were able to go after them. They were able to capture the actual killers, and the main one of them, who was working for the Iranian embassy in Germany, was sentenced to 25 years in prison. That was in 1992. And in 2007, after spending 15 years, due to a German law he was sent back to Iran, and he was welcomed by the Iranian leaders in Iran. So despite really working to make sure...still they were able to send him back, and he was welcomed.
As for the 50,000, in Iran, since the revolutions, there has been a lot of unrest, to really bring about change and democracy. There wasn't a revolution so that these mullahs and clerics could take their place. The revolution was to really get rid of a monarch who was very despotic, very autocratic and very repressive as well, and the people came out. But unfortunately these mullahs and these clerics were able to take over and hijack the revolution.
Many people like us, the Kurds and other minorities, were very engaged and active in making sure that the mullahs did not take control. There was a power struggle. So the Kurds in Iran struggled for some 15 years after the revolution, until 1995, making sure that the mullahs did not have their way and making sure that the revolution that we paid dearly for actually got somewhere. During this process of 15 years, the Iranian Islamic forces and especially the IRGC, which is the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, were heavily suppressing and doing killings. There were instances when they actually stormed a village, and they killed about 50 to 60 civilians. These killings in the early revolutions have been documented both in Iran and outside Iran.
So the 50,000 actually stemmed from these acts of terror within the first 15 years of Iranian establishment, and I think there are a lot of credible documents and evidence that can actually support these allegations.