Certainly there has been a strong change in tone, and so far what we have seen are pretty much the same objectives. There was a lot of press in the United States about the Obama administration being willing to participate in negotiations with Iran without pre-conditions that Iran first suspend its enrichment. Well, look, we crossed that route three years ago. For the last three years, Javier Solana of the European Commission has been holding talks with the Iranians about what it would take to get negotiations restarted, because the European governments had said they wouldn't hold negotiations until Iran suspended its program. Therefore, Solana is not allowed to hold negotiations; he's holding talks about what it would take to get negotiations restarted. Some people might think that distinction is relatively small, and what the Obama administration was saying was, look, let's stop pretending; we've in fact been negotiating with Iran for the last three years and we should acknowledge that.
But so far that's the only indication of a change in objective—and even that you could say is a change in approach rather than a change in objective by the Obama administration.