Let me remind you, because I know you probably deal with so many protocols and declarations, it's tough to keep them all in your head. I don't blame you for not knowing the text off the top of your head. I don't know it either, but I have it here and you'll just have to trust me that this is the correct text.
Article 26 states in section (1):
Indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired.
This particular article is something I always had a difficulty with, especially in relation to Canada's extensive treaties. Of course, I come from the west, and as an aboriginal person we look to treaties 1 through 10 as being a very significant achievement in the negotiations between our indigenous peoples and the foreign countries that came to Canada. So treaties 1 through 10 are essential in maintaining the peace that was eventually found, but also in terms of the negotiation that many indigenous people had with the governments of the day.
There are many communities that rely on those treaties, and to me this particular article does begin to open up a legal opportunity to question the treaties that were signed. Do you have that same concern?