I can tell you that's a false sense of security, because security has not actually improved in Colombia, and the figures on crimes can't actually be an evidence of this. Even though you say that in Medellin people are walking on the streets, there are many fears, probably as much as elsewhere.
Most communities feel very fearful in all cities in Colombia, and in different places, especially the youth. For example, very recently, the Black Eagles—the new paramilitary groups that we have in the country—sent threats saying that any youths found on the streets after 10 p.m. would be killed, as well sex workers, gays, and social leaders. Also, the media has sort of made all of this new news, saying that the country is more secure.
As to the president's popularity, I think this is not really true. If you go out to the rural areas, to the committees, you will see that the president is not so popular as you would believe.