China is part of the P-5 plus one group that's looking at the unified approach to dealing with the question of Iran's nuclear program. It has a very strong commercial bilateral relationship with Iran and is looking increasingly as an investor in the country. That being said, it too has concerns about a nuclear Iran and has been working with the other members of the P-5 to keep a united international movement and pressure on. They're not the most eager member of the P-5 for sanctions, but to this point they have been going along, working with the other members, and we continue to see them as being a necessary positive force going forward. We need to work harder to convince them of the immediate nature of the issue.
China's assessment is that the problem isn't as imminent as some of the other members of the P-5 plus one believe. But in total, they're part of the system. They're working well with the group, and they are supportive and have voted for the three sanctions resolutions that the UN Security Council has passed to date.