Mr. Chairman, it is my hope that we'll get one question each.
Dr. Milani, it's good to see you. Thank you very much for taking the time to give us your testimony today.
I want to read a direct quote from The Economist. I do so almost hesitantly, because you've mentioned already that this regime has almost gone back to the dark days of 1988, and that concerns me.
Let me read this quote from this Economist article and then ask you a question regarding it. It states: A lot of ordinary Iranians, including many who used to back the conservatives, scorn Mr Ahmadinejad's claim to have foiled a foreign plot. Instead, they have added charges of the rape, murder and slander of its opponents to the regime's alleged initial sin of massive voting fraud in the June election. Some argue that the scale and brutality of the regime's crackdown reflect not strength but desperation. With internet and satellite airwaves still evading state control, large-scale unrest could yet erupt...
The key question I'd like to ask you regarding that quote is whether you agree with the opinion that's been given. Is there a chance that there would be some large-scale action again and some hope in the future?