Maybe Professor Mahdavi can elaborate further on his thoughts.
I do agree that the reform has to come from within and it has to be indigenous. I do see a paradigm shifting as well, especially with the young people. I think in some large part the Internet has played a great role in terms of informing them of what's happening on the ground that they're not getting from their government.
But I don't buy into the argument that the only thing we can do is moral and spiritual. I rather think we can act more effectively than just prayers on the international scene. I do think there is a moral position that Canada has to take that goes beyond just words.
Taking aside the military option, which is not an option at all, there are the diplomatic and multilateral efforts that we can do. But you have sort of discarded that. I'm not sure why. I'm not sure why you would discount even the multilateral efforts and the diplomatic efforts that can be taken by Canada on that front.