Thank you both for being here today. I really appreciate your testimony.
You mentioned what we should not do as a state, and part of what we're doing as a committee is looking at things we can do. In our report we're looking for recommendations we can make to the government. We've heard a number of suggestions, like sanctions. But on the other hand, people say Iran can get everything it needs through shell companies, importing the products through neighbouring countries. We've heard about dialogue, which is what the U.S. seems to be focusing on. But then other people say it's ineffective and it's a stalling tactic used by Iran. Some people have said we need to use the levers that are available through the United Nations. Other people say that's also a stalling tactic. It's also been suggested that Canada take action through the International Court, I think through the genocide provisions. Maybe we could provide some other support for the democratic movement.
These are the kinds of things we've heard. I'd be interested in knowing what you would recommend Canada do to address the problem of promoting human rights in Iran.