As you mentioned, it is systemic and designed, engineered, to be that way. The government has three goals.
First, they would like to get information on the future plans of various activist groups. These might be students, workers, labourers, or members of other associations.
The second act is torture. It is necessary to apply pressure so that they come to a point where they are not willing to continue these activities. This is for the rest of the people, so that they will be informed about what would happen to them if they were involved in that kind of activity. This happened while I was in prison, and I have to say that it is still happening now.
If you are interested, I might be able to give you some documentation regarding this issue. But this torture that I suffered is something I can tell you about.
I was kept for 17 months in a small room by myself, and that room was no more than a washroom. This situation caused health problems. They took me twice for execution. In one case, I was taken for execution with a group of others. Of course, I was not executed. I was in the middle, with one man on the left and another on the right. They blindfolded us and forced us to stand on top of a chair, as if to hang us. They pulled my blindfold aside a bit so I could see what was happening to the other two. These were people who were imprisoned next to me in small cells. I saw their execution.
Once, for 72 hours they didn't let me sleep. They cut me and put salt in my wounds. If you're interested, I can show it to you. If you want details, please let me know.