Sir, just as there are the Sullivan Principles in relation to apartheid in South Africa, we have developed a set of principles called the Ambedkar Principles, which I'd be more than happy to send. You all can have them. The Ambedkar Principles guide industries and companies in their association with India so that when they go out....
We want everybody to do a lot of business with India. We need economic development and all of this opening up of the economy. We can see both the positives and negatives of globalization. We want Canadian businesses to be aware when they go out to India, so that they're not unknowingly perpetuating caste discrimination. We want to have, in dealings with Canada and America, people on boards and on committees so that when they're recruiting and placing they do so with knowledge of how this works.
We are not asking at all for affirmative benefits for Dalits. We are just asking for equal opportunity, that's all.