Let's start.
Good afternoon; welcome to another session and to this meeting of our subcommittee.
I've been given a little statement to start with. This relates to our rules of order. I have only the English version here. Anyway, we'll assume there's a French version out there as well. I hope so.
Here we go. On Wednesday, March 3, 2010, the House of Commons adopted the following order:
That, for all standing committees, routine motions in effect at the time of prorogation of the previous session be deemed to have been adopted in the current session, provided that committees be empowered to alter or rescind such motions as they deem appropriate.
Since you all sit on committees, you've dealt with this in your committees. I'll go on. This motion does not apply to subcommittees such as this one. However, at our organizational meeting in the second session of the 40th Parliament, the subcommittee chose to readopt the routine motions we had in the previous session.
If the subcommittee so chooses, we can do so over again. The clerk has distributed copies of the routine motions we had last time around. If someone wants to readopt them or wants something different, now is the time to speak.
Mr. Silva, please.