Now I realize that you are fearful for the advances that have been made in this country.
I was very troubled here, because I got a sense from our committee that a lot of minds had already been predisposed against you before you started talking. I observed people on their BlackBerrys, people not listening to your presentations, and a variety of things. I found it shocking, and I am very disappointed. I just wish this were a public meeting on television so people could have seen that.
I know that a lot of the information that comes into Canada via the media is planned misinformation. As president of the Hamilton and District Labour Council, on many occasions I met with people through the Latin American Working Group who would come from Colombia, from Honduras, from South America, and their stories, in some senses, were worse than yours, in the sense that yours now seems to have turned that corner and has started on the road to democratization in a level that, if it's accurate, is something to really consider.
I think that the councils you are talking about are a parallel to what is happening in Cuba as well. We did a study of Cuba over a period of time. So I was taken aback.
I had a series of questions I wanted to ask you. You have been very comprehensive in what you have been trying to deliver to us. We had media problems in this country too. We had Lord Thomson of Fleet and Conrad Black owning the media, the predominance of the media in this country, and I will be polite: they were not pro-worker in their philosophies either. It was nowhere near what you faced, and thank goodness it wasn't. Democracy is a very, very fragile thing, no matter where it is. We saw how close, with the coup attempt in Venezuela and the international blackening of the name of Chávez... That is a prescribed plan from somebody. As soon as you hear the word “oil”, it tends to...
In 1979, when I was in Saudi Arabia, I met Americans who were at a secret military base there, which came to light once we had the Gulf War. So I'm not surprised. I'm really horrified to hear about the number of bases, if that is accurate. That's a development that's really striking. One of the things that has happened here, which causes me concern too, is our government's shift away from a focus on funding activities in Africa and funding into South America. I hope that has nothing to do with what we are hearing here today.
One of the things I am curious about is you talk about a variety of organizations and you mentioned the Venezuelan army delivering medicines and building schools. Is that a primary role of what they are doing these days? Is that what they're there for? It's extraordinary. We're familiar with our armies coming in to help in times of disaster, but is this an ongoing function of their army?