I want to extend my sincere thanks to you for allowing us to distribute the documents. That will dispel any ambiguities regarding Mr. Obhrai's visit. Indeed, an embassy report deals with Mr. Obhrai's visit, and he states that Nathalie was crying at the time.
However, I would like to come back to the child custody thing. Both parents must always be considered when children are involved. To begin with, the government is always referring us back to the Hague Convention. But that Convention does not apply in this case; it only applies when both parties are signatories. Canada is, but Saudi Arabia is not. Also, article 7 of The Hague Convention states that children who are mistreated by a parent in the country where they live are not required to stay in that country when their safety, their life or their health are in danger. In that case, the children can be removed from that parent. Here we have evidence that the children are being mistreated and that it is not appropriate to leave them with that parent, who in fact is prepared to exchange them for money. The Hague Convention does not apply in such a case. I simply wanted to make that point.