That is why I'm trying to get to the inconsistencies.
I'll point to another inconsistency. It's unfortunate that we don't have more time, because I would like to hear more and I would like to discuss more.
This is the affidavit that you distributed that you refer to that Nathalie did. In your statement, Ms. Adam, you made mention that when Parliamentary Secretary Obhrai visited, Nathalie had a conversation with him, and you clearly said that Mr. Obhrai indicated that he would do what he could to help her, correct? Yet this affidavit, on page 3, says the absolute contrary.
Once again, I've been in this business for a long time. Quite often there are two sides to every story, and somewhere in the middle, given all of the facts and considerations, is the truth. I would like to get to the truth here today, because I think a number of things are inconsistent. I don't have much time to get to others, but I do want to mention a couple of things that have been said that are, again, inconsistent.
We talked about the status of the apartment and how it was in squalor, and yet this video that Mr. Dorion referred to from Enquête in Quebec clearly shows that although it is a modest apartment, it is by no means in squalor. In fact, I've seen places—