Mr. Chair, I think I really tried to find a consensus on this motion by replacing the word “denounces” which might have been thought too harsh by the government members. It seems to me that, if we have to wait for the testimony of public servants--if we can get them to come here, if they are willing to appear, since you know that we have problems having public servants appear before committees and subcommittees--it will delay our study of other very important issues such as Venezuela.
So, I repeat my proposal. I am pleased that everyone around me allowed me to change the wording unilaterally. I believe the committee showed a marvellous spirit of fair play in accepting the change I suggested to make it more acceptable, but I maintain my position.
Reaching a consensus cannot be the main and essential objective of our work since it would mean that any issue the least controversial would be set aside, which is certainly not the reason why this committee has been set up. That being said, I am aware that we share some common values and I am ready to cooperate in order not to complicate matters uselessly. By the way, I have just demonstrated my willingness to cooperate. So, I maintain my proposal.