Mr. Chairman, this motion deals with the universal periodic review. The universal periodic review takes place within the framework of the UN Human Rights Council, so it also deals with the council. Given that these issues are inextricably bound one with the other, it seems to me it might better find its place in the report.
I also want to say parenthetically, but not unimportantly, that I have appeared a number of times before the UN Human Rights Council, and frankly, some of its deliberations are in the Alice in Wonderland category. I'm putting it rather charitably.
I strongly support Canada's candidacy to return to that council, but not without making it clear at the same time that we are returning with a purpose. That purpose is, as Mr. Silva put forth in his amendment, reforming and strengthening the council. Just to put forward our candidacy doesn't make sense. It's almost as if we're going to rubber-stamp what, as I said, has been an Alice in Wonderland proceeding there.