With regard to the culture of impunity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a number of levels of intervention are possible, particularly bilateral aid. I know that the DRC is not one of the priority countries for the present government, but what I'm going to tell you is also valid for other countries. As you no doubt know, the fight against impunity is waged by example. I know that one of the best examples, the best signal that President Kabila could send, would be to transfer Mr. Ntaganda to the International Criminal Court, which has issued a warrant for his arrest. It did so because Mr. Ntaganda was an officer, a lieutenant, under the orders of Mr. Lubanga, who is currently on trial. It has to be understood as well that Mr. Ntaganda was the right arm of Laurent Nkunda, who conducted an armed offensive against Goma between October and December 2008. There is documented evidence of what happened. That would be the first signal.
The second signal would be national in scope. It would be absolutely necessary for the army officers known to MONUC and Mr. Kabila's government to be prosecuted in military court, under military justice, for the sexual violence crimes they have committed.