I think both of them will have a strong influence.
I disagree with you about something, about just leaving without even trying. I understand that we've been there for nine years. The only problem is, if we left right now without trying until the last minute, we would have shed the blood of these 152 Canadian soldiers in vain. That's how I look at it.
I will just finish my statement, though.
What I am really saying is, if we give up on the people of Afghanistan, how will this help the people there? If we say okay, we're pulling out and we're not trying, how will this help the women who get raped there, how will this help the children who get raped there, how will this help the people who want freedom of religion there? What I am really saying is that we should focus with different strategies on the mission in Afghanistan. This strategy is not coming from giving a blind eye to what Hamid Karzai is doing.