All of the above. All of the above. Actually I was just talking yesterday with an immigration lawyer by the name of Chantal Desloges and was actually talking about that it has been year after year after year. And I was in a church, or a school portico, last Sunday, and there was a man who stood up and said, “Well, you know, nobody thought that the Iron Curtain would fall. Nobody thought that the Berlin Wall would fall, but it did fall.”
Nothing is impossible. Even if this has been year after year, it doesn't make it right. We have to start from somewhere. And you would think that after nine years, we at least put the seed for the beginning and we are not making it worse.
Here is how I think we will make a big difference. When the international society and the international community and the government and the NGOs start really to work on the improvement of human rights and putting Hamid Karzai accountable for his actions and for his government, that's how you close the corruption.
In the last election, Hamid Karzai had.... The results of the election were not clear. There was talk from NATO and the United Nations that there were a million votes. Now, we met with Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, who is the head of the opposition in Afghanistan, and this man said this guy cheated in the election. But NATO and the United Nations gave up. They said they would not do the election again, they would not.... You are encouraging the corruption. You are encouraging the corruption. If the man lost the election, he needs to go.
So I think it's very important that we hold the Afghani government accountable and we work side by side with the NGOs on the improvement of human rights. I think that could be a good beginning.