We'll acknowledge that the forms are quite lengthy and complicated. Most persons do, in fact, require some assistance to complete the forms. We don't know the identity of the person who testified, but certainly we could put people into contact. We do have an organization that does assist people in Canada. It's called the refugee sponsorship training program, and certainly we could put persons in touch with that organization. It's a non-governmental organization that assists persons in understanding the forms and getting them filled out, etc. They also assist persons in finding or understanding the private sponsorship program.
The legislative framework right now is such that persons who want to knock on the door need to have someone knock on the door on their behalf, either a private sponsor or the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. I know that when I read the text, he was talking about the application itself being difficult to go through, so we could certainly put the group in touch with the refugee sponsorship training program.