Well, obviously I would love to see more focus on children, but I'm going to say to you that even our participation as a coalition in this process was to focus on the general mechanisms for implementing human rights in Canada, not so much on children. We will focus on children very specifically in front of the UN committee on children's rights, because that's where the expertise lies.
Our frustration is that until the general mechanisms for human rights in Canada improve, we aren't going to make progress on children's rights either, or women's rights. There are certainly areas where those overlap. CEDAW looks at girls, for example.
When we participated in this process, what we wanted to see out of the universal periodic review was a commitment by Canada to improve the process. In that regard we think there are strong recommendations in this report. Our concern now is are they being implemented? We're one year after, and we have not seen one action being taken to implement them. We have four years. It takes a long time to get something in place. My concern is that by the time we hit the next review, we probably will just begin to be thinking about a change versus having something substantive in place.
We were very concerned about the way Canada proceeded with the third report under children's rights, which was after the UPR. Here was an example to do a better job, and that's why I highlighted it for you. Then we received a letter from the minister, actually saying they were going to improve the process through the UPR, but we haven't seen a step. So our plea with you is to help us improve that general process through the UPR. Then we'll deal with children's rights, primarily before the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.