I call to order the fourth meeting of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Today is March 30, 2010.
Today we are engaging in a study of the universal periodic review. We were to have two witnesses today. Unfortunately, one is unavailable. That's our loss in one respect, but we benefit in that our other witness, Kathy Vandergrift, will be here, and we'll be able to devote more time to her than we would have otherwise been able to do. There's a silver lining to every cloud.
Kathy Vandergrift is the chairperson of the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children.
Welcome to our committee.
Ms. Vandergrift typically would speak for 10 minutes, but today we'll have more flexibility than we normally would. I will, of course, have to be somewhat strict, because we only have an hour to deal with questions, but we'll worry about that after you're finished.
Please begin.