I would want to carefully consider each one of those. Certainly there are some positive measures in there, and there are some on which we have concerns or would suggest what a rights-based approach might add.
I'll pick up on a couple of those. Certainly we share the priority being given to sexual exploitation, but we would very much value looking at that a little more strongly through the lens of children's rights. That would also put greater focus on prevention. Increasing penalties helps if there are convictions, but there's a very low rate of conviction, and that is partly because you need to support children through the process.
If you look at the number of people who are charged and then you look at the conviction rate, it's a very small number. Why? If young people don't have adequate support, they aren't going to testify and we won't get convictions.
So you can have a strong penalty at the end, but if you don't have the entire system working, it doesn't help. We would like to see much more focus on the prevention, on the support for the young persons who are faced with sexual exploitation.
In terms of injury prevention, certainly injuries are one of the priority health issues, and the Canadian Paediatric Society works with us on that. We would like to expand the mandate of the injury prevention to also include other kinds of injuries, such as violence against children. That's the non-accidental injury, not just limiting it to physical injury but looking at other types of injuries.
If you're going to do a large campaign, we could have a much bigger impact if we took that just a little bit broader. We could do that with children's rights.
The safe drinking water is an excellent move. It is certainly one that was highlighted in the second review and is part of dealing with the serious issues of aboriginal children.
Did I miss one?