You said in your presentation that one significant problem stemmed from the fact that immigration applications are processed in Kenya.
I checked what other witnesses told us in previous meetings. Ms. Desloges said that there aren't enough human resources in the mission to process claims for refugee protection. Additional training was also requested for the employees who process the claims for refugee protection.
One agency went even further, saying that it would like only Canadian officers to process the claims for refugee protection there, at all stages, including the administrative ones, probably to avoid discrimination. We know that our missions and embassies sometimes employ people from the countries where they are located. That, among other things, is an important aspect.
Personally, I'm interested in the issue because, in the past few years, the government has retreated from Africa significantly. Embassies have been closed in some places.
Given the current political situation in Africa, if we want to act rapidly, have a better assessment on the ground and make efforts to improve various aspects of the process, we need to have greater representation, both diplomatically and in terms of the staff who represent Canada in African countries.
Even if we modify programs or add to them, it's still difficult to help the Ugandans who are turning to Canada and toward this mission in Kenya. It's difficult to help them come here. There's a big problem from the start.
I would like to know what should be done as quickly as possible. As for this mission directly, should resources be added and training given? Should there be someone to take care of the documentation and help with filling out the forms? What quick and concrete action can be taken?
If we change an immigration law or add a program, you know that we could still be here two years from now discussing the issue, what with the decrees and how long the process takes.